
New experiences fill a satisfied life.


All people are due compassion.


Emotions are tools to be understood.


Needs should be met as locally as viable.

Fundamental Truths

1. Everything is contestable.

As we learn and grow, new information and ideas increase our understanding of our world.

2. There are few absolutes.

Natural black and white are rare. Shades of rainbow are the default.

3. Pain is inevitable.

Everyone has and will continue to experience physical and mental pain, of some level, until their expiration. In spite of this, joy is produced with the maintenance of a humble and grateful mindset.

4. Suffering is born of expectations.

When our expectations do not match reality, suffering results.

5. Evil exists because it tells us we are better than it.

The root of evil lies in beliefs of superiority. 

6. Communication requires helpful intent.

Do not speak to cause harm. Interpret the best in others words. Keep your words honest and true. Seek to meet others where they are at.

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